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Chapter 3

I have a love/hate relationship with my therapist. On the one hand, she makes me talk, and on the other hand, she makes me talk. "Hey, Cal. I hear you've had an adventurous week." She sits, relaxed and smiling as I dump my bag on the floor and flop onto a sofa. "I guess..." I mumble staring at my hands. "Want to tell me about it?" "Not really." She makes no comment, just sits and looks. "Fine. My new," air quotes, "'sister' is transphobic trash and now I don't have anywhere I can be myself." "What makes you say that she is transphobic?" "She thinks jokes about there only being two genders are funny." "Hmmm..okay. Where did she hear this joke?" "It was from one of her friends on Facebook." "Okay. Did you tell her why you don't think they are funny?" "She should just know!" "And you think that hitting a wall helped her to t
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Chapter 2

School looks the same as always: tired and prison-like with it's lack of windows. Someone somewhere decided to build this wreck of a school as an experiment in avoiding distractions. After all, looking outside might lead to actual free thought. The overall effect reminds me of a fort with overflow trailers surrounding the building like siege camps. Rebel fidgets next to me as we head towards the office with Felicia. She clearly wants to be here about as much as me. Yet we both dutifully follow behind her mother, waiting for it all to be over. As we enter the building, I wince. The smell hits me and I am suddenly flooded with sensory memories of stares and insults given by over-perfumed barbies and sweaty, brooding bros. The light glares overhead, turning the skin on my arms even whiter as I stare at my boots. "God, I hate this place," I mumble under my breath. Rebel glances side-eye at me. A small, sympathetic smile flashes on her face before she goes back to he

Chapter 1

Moving day sucks. It doesn't matter who you are. But I'd like to think that I am participating in the worst move in the history of all moves, especially since none of the stuff I'm moving is mine. Sweating and shaky, I grab the gazillionth box and lug it towards my room. I don't even try to care as I dump it on the cleared out side of my room. "Watch it! That stuff's fragile!" I grunt at my new roommate as I shuffle out to grab another load. I am pleasantly surprised to see that there is nothing left to take and collapse on the grass outside. Closing my eyes, I lay back in the grass. Sweat oozes down my face and into my hairline. Gross. Exhausted laughs come from inside the house, but I'm not ready to face the family yet. I already feel like the world is closing in on me, I don't need to rush the reality of it. Instead, I slip in my earbuds and let the insistant beat carry me to a place between awake and asleep. A shadow falls across my f

The Beginning

Good evening and welcome to transboi word spew. I am your host Kit and I will be vomiting all over your eyeballs. Well, if anybody finds this and actually reads it. If so, I'm sorry in advance. I have made a promise to myself that I am going to write more this year and since the best way to improve your writing is to just write a lot and hopefully find one word in 10,000 that is worth reading. I begin this adventure imagining a conversation between two people. "I don't understand what you are trying to say. Are you mad at me? I mean, I get it..." "If you'd let me get a word out, I might be able to say." Silence. "Well?" "Well, what?" "You were going to tell me what you were thinking." Silence. "Seriously! I can't read your mind!" "I'm not asking you to." "But you aren't saying anything!" "I'm thinking." "Ummm....okay." Silence wit